ShineOn - Publishing Products Error (Non-USD Stores) – Incident details

Publishing Products Error (Non-USD Stores)

Degraded performance
Started over 2 years agoLasted about 9 hours


ShineOn Systems

Degraded performance from 5:06 AM to 2:25 PM

Shopify App

Degraded performance from 5:06 AM to 2:25 PM

  • Resolved

    The fix deployed appears to have resolved the issue. Thank you for your patience while we worked on this issue!

  • Monitoring

    We implemented a fix and currently monitoring the result.

  • Identified

    We are continuing to work on a fix for this incident. It is limited to stores which use certain foreign currencies as their default currency. Thank you for your continued patience while our engineering team work on the fix.

  • Investigating

    We are looking into reports that sellers are unable to publish produts with the ShineOn App if their store is using a non-USD default currency. We'll provide updates on this as we work on this.